What Couples Need To Know About Obligatory Sex.

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2022

Obligatory Sex- We’ve all complained about it.

She’s forgotten the last time they did it so she ‘throws’ him one, or it’s this uncomfortable silent assumption that it’s her job as his partner to fulfill his ‘needs’.

She doesn’t have an inkling of desire for it. Obligatory sex has the hall mark of a woman burnt out, with just another chore she has to do, albeit with a pinch of ‘pissed offness’ because not even sex is sacred or a place to replenish from anymore.

It’s the type of sex that is devoid of intimacy, vulnerability, and authentic pleasure. It’s the type that a woman can feel like she is being masturbated into. It’s the type where there is zero foreplay. And it’s the type that she’s hoping he will be done soon. It can be performative with faked pleasure and is guaranteed to slowly deteriorate the intimacy and connection between them. There becomes resentment, of being used, leading to an undercurrent of inner rage.

It's penetrative sex where the body is not warmed up. This means uncomfortable, painful sex.

Healthy recipe for a loving healthy partnership?

The apple is rotting. From the side you can’t even see.

It’s easy to be so descriptive about it because I’ve been there.

I’ve had this sex.

And what I was allowing; creating; was damage to my yoni, my relationship, and to my self trust and worth. It was such a clear reflection of where I wasn’t having my needs met.

It’s a slippery slope that leads to unhappiness.

And no, I no longer have this type of sex.

It’s time for you to stop having it too.


Start having the sx and intimacy you deeply desire.

Re-educate yourself.

Here’s how.

DM me ‘No Obligation’ and I’ll send you an invitation; a conversation; an understanding.
I’d absolutely love to hear from you.
Together we will take you from ‘I’m obligated’ to ‘I deeply desire…’
Your relationship, your partner and you deserve a woman in her power.


50% Complete

Two Step

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