It’s one of those things I hear time and time again.
It is also one of those things I have been looped in.
It is the Talk It Out Method. Or less commonly known as the Talksie, Talksie, Talksie Method (cause I just made that up, Ha!).
It goes on and on and on. Round and round and round.
Often this is where it stays. The thing that you talk over and over about stays stuck.
Whether it’s a big vision dream that you are dying to pursue, whether it’s a problem or an issue that you want to breakthrough. Or perhaps it’s a pity party and you’re the hostee too.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I have loved my time with the Talksie, Talksie, Talksie Method. It’s served my righteousness, my victimhood and I got to bequeath my responsibility.
Let’s see how it might look…
Image there is this thing that has happened to you. And you talk about it to your girlfriends. And you talk...
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death inspiration purpose Jun 01, 2022
Early last month my step father, my mother’s husband, my brother’s father, was suddenly taken. Gone. A tragic accident. Reminding me again of the physical finality of death.
It had been years since death last visited so close to home. 20 years since the passing of my sister, 17 years since the passing of my grandfather. Members of my inner circle of family.
And as death always does, brings me to the place of deep grief, many full expressions from the emotional wave and reflections of my own life and my own living.
It has been a month of weaving through it all. Holding hearts and hands through grief and loss.
Always bringing me back to a place of assessing life. Assessing places where I limit myself, and the parts I want to celebrate. The parts of my life that need a spring clean, and the parts that need a good reno. Most importantly death asks me what I want to experience through living.
It asks me to honestly reflect if my desires...
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