“I don’t want to shag my hubby anymore. Heck, I don’t even want to shag me.”
This is one of the top 5 reasons women come to see me.
They can’t get out of their mind. They are stuck in their head. And they’re caught up in the loop of incessant bombarding thoughts.
🤯Mind distractions.
🤯To do lists.
🤯Challenges to find solutions for.
🤯Schedules, appointments, finances.
🤯Work, partner. Socials…
Gosh, does it end?
They’re stressed AF. Snowed under. Feeling like they’re just surviving. They’re slaving away at their ‘To Do List’. Stuck, stagnant and feeling shitty.
It’s fucking relentless. And they are at FULL CAPACITY. No wonder desire and sex are the first thing off the table.
But what they truly craves is:
❤️Being taken care of
❤️Inner Peace
So I...
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embodiment emotion release Jun 01, 2022
Some times, Some days
I just give it all up.
I take off the burden of creating, formulating, mapping.
I put down the resistance when it feels like I’m bumping up on a brick wall.
Inspiration hasn’t left me. It just cant get through to me is all.
I have the headphones of life on.
As if it was a mime, inspiration flaps its arms around trying to have me take notice.
But I don’t know what it’s trying to say.
My ears are full of noise, it’s the thoughts I play in my head.
I feel the constriction in my body.
As soon as I feel my body. I remember.
I remember I don’t want to feel like this.
I remember I have a choice.
And I choose to give up.
I give up the thoughts. I give up learning. I give up absorbing and taking in all the information. I give up wondering how I’m going to do this or how I’m going to do that. What the ‘right, best’ way is.
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Anxiety feels like a disturbed ants nest in my chest.
Times like these I reach for peace. Not for pleasure.
To lull the ants back into their home for rest.
I have to actively bring calm to my being. I really have to focus.
I remember the first time I unknowingly calmed.
Out of sheer desperation, sheer salvation.
I was saturated in overwhelm. Drowning in debt and in shame. I was trying to keep my mouth above water.
Whilst simultaneously, trying to rescue another from himself.
Sitting in my office chair of my sensuality boutique, I had to close my eyes and really focus.
I followed my breath all the way down to my feet and twinkled my toes.
I just had to get present.
Like minute to minute fucking present.
I had to get so clear of where I was, where my feet where, what I was touching, what I could physically feel, in that very moment and know that I was safe. Physically safe.
“Breath in, breath out” I would...
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JEALOUSY, Jealousy

JEALOUSY, Jealousy
Knocks on my door.
Jealousy, Jealousy
Called me a wh*re.
To which I say:
Jealousy Jealousy,
You’re being a bore.
Jealousy jealousy,
You are actually the wh*re.
You called me a wh*re
But there is always much more
Let’s see what’s there
when I knock on your door
Ah, you find my sensual liberation
distasteful in its freedom of expression
You have shut down your own situation
Is your desire for self permission, your confession?
Oh, Jealousy Jealousy
I have what you need
Follow me, we’ll plant the seeds.
It’s a little internal exploration
Now dive on in Jealousy Jealousy
Your well runs deep
Within you, you have all the colours you seek
Trust yourself Jealousy, you’re in for a treat.
SO Jealousy Jealousy
Yes, You are a bore,
And Jealousy Jealousy
You are also the wh*re.
Because Jealousy Jealousy
We are it All.
Jealousy is a wiry, sexy green...
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