Sometimes Social Media Hurts

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2023

Sometimes social media hurts.

Sometimes I find it a painful, contracting place to hang out in.


Now I know that what we see on socials is not the absolute truth of anyone’s life or the totality of their existence, but I for one can be susceptible of getting swept away into comparanitist on occasions.

Does that ever happen to you?

Sometimes I have the idea that “why wouldn’t my client just work with so and so. They are amazing and look how they articulate all the words and how they make sense of it all” Ha! See I’m human too.


Then I manifested it. Lol. You’re such a funny fucker, Universe.


I had a client come to me asking my opinion on a potential group program to jump into. It was not mine. It was another sexologist.

Cue an initial sting followed by “omg, its happening. No body loves me. I’m not wanted. I’m not good enough. I should quit and give up.” Blah blah blah.


Have you ever given yourself such a tongue lashing, like this?


Now, once I got over the initial contraction, I celebrated to my client about how great so and so’s work is and if it calls to her, go for it. Because my client is a delicious, hearted centered woman that absolutely deserves to explore ALL the things that inspire her. I 100% advocate for this. And. I love that our relationship allows the safety and trust to bring such a convo to the table. FKYes.


If you are a coach, or any business owner, or even a woman that feels insecure at times,

I’d love to know if this is relatable? 


And what I noticed was this. The ‘worst’ thing happening, wasn’t as bad as I had fantasised it would be.


I bought myself into deep self-intimacy. The space where I hold myself, get radically honest and I feel what’s alive in my body and my mind. I dive into the exquisite intensity in my chest and throat space.


I unpacked this glorious trigger, it was ripe for the picking and it needed some love. I took myself through my own self-intimate practice.


I sat with it and untangled the truth of it. I got honest. I could identify places I’ve become loose in.


These are the questions I asked myself.

I invite you to save them if you need them too.


How do I feel about MY work, my expertise and my relationships with my clients?

Where in my life am I not living in alignment with what turns me on?

What is it about the other, that I wish to cultivate in myself?

What do I desire to hear about my work? Can I find evidence of this already?

What inspired action do I desire to take from here?

What’s one way that I can show myself some love?




I got back in my own lane.


And of course.


I remembered.


So and so is brilliant. Because she is.


Just like me.


I’m brilliant too.


Just like you.


You’re brilliant too.


Our uniqueness is what makes us special. I always tell my clients, become as much YOU as you can. It’s a journey for all of us. So many opportunities pointing us inwards to come home and love ourselves fuller.


So in conclusion my loves,

if you see yourself a little in this,

know that’s your neon light to love yourself a little harder. 


It happens to us all from time to time. 

So don’t stop yourself from shining your light.

Come back into your own lane.

Because we don’t need to sit and stew in our steeping pile of mental shit, as long as we do. 

Our families, our communities, the world needs us all to stand back up and continue shining our own unique light, bright. 

But more then all of that, it’s your purpose in life. To be You.


Also, if you need a crazy idea like STOP following or MUTE those accounts or those people that aren’t supportive of you feeling good (including me) totes do that babe!




Big Love & Pleasure,


Allonie xo


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