death witness Jun 01, 2022
Make her feel ‘better’ not so sad.
But to shift her out of her emotion is to deny her.
It is to deny her the full truth of her experience, her memories and her longing for something different.
To snap her out would invalidate her just to shift my own uncomfortability. Rip her from the path that will bring her ease. I would be ripping her off. Full stop.
And I love her that much that I know where my work is.
I see her so much that I know how to serve her and what my place in this is.
It’s not in fixing her so I can be comfortable. Not in healing her so I can feel better that her pain is gone.
It’s in holding my own self through my discomfort whilst being of service to her.
And that just looks like being there. Being here. Now. With her.
Welcoming all there is, with grace. The more I can ground my anchor point deep into the earth, as I too am held, the deeper I can drop to her truth with presence. I can allow the emotionality to flow through her. To flow through me.
That is all that is needed.
Because it’s ok to feel. What she feels is so fucking valid.

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