Me: 'I let myself down'.
Also Me: 'And I'm picking myself up. SO RISE BIATCH. I LOVE YOU!'.
oooFH! I've been sitting with, feeling, observing, listening and seeing a lot. It's icky feelings 'doing the work'.
I did my practice this morning after honouring my descent over the last couple of days.
I wrote down all the shitty thoughts. I got them onto paper, out from running loops in my head.
I felt. I moved. I pleasured. I transmuted. I let go. I played. I laughed.
Then, I took inventory again.
After every shitty word I thought about myself, to myself, I revisited and wrote a different narrative.
And when I got to:
"I let myself down"
I re-wrote: "And I'm picking myself up. Rise Biatch, I love you!"
See. The thing is this. When I'm going down. I'm going down to mine. To excavate the shit that has buried itself within me.
I track where my feelings and thoughts take me. I observe. I allow. and it is the full spectrum of it all. Sorrow, frustration, defeat, stuckness, numbness, pissed-offness. Lots of thoughts. Lots of feelings.
It is when I have found some pieces, I dig them out. I see my past. I see my present. I see the forks in the road. I see my future.
When, and only when I have moved my energy and have travelled into a different feeling space, that I can say my new installed thoughts with conviction and belief. That I actually do truly believe these things of myself. That I re-write. I offer to my mind. I offer to my heart.
Sometimes when we excavate and polish our shit, it turns out what is actually underneath it all is a fucking diamond. And sometimes, no matter how hard we polish, we realise, it's still just that. shit.
And you just need to through that shit out!
Have you said a shitty thing to yourself, about yourself today?
Have you taken stock of the thoughts that are flying around in your head?
Do you have a practice to move through it all?
Beauty, If you don't have a practice and you feel like you are staying stuck and you want to check out mine. DM me. I'll send you the link xx

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