It’s one of those things I hear time and time again.
It is also one of those things I have been looped in.
It is the Talk It Out Method. Or less commonly known as the Talksie, Talksie, Talksie Method (cause I just made that up, Ha!).
It goes on and on and on. Round and round and round.
Often this is where it stays. The thing that you talk over and over about stays stuck.
Whether it’s a big vision dream that you are dying to pursue, whether it’s a problem or an issue that you want to breakthrough. Or perhaps it’s a pity party and you’re the hostee too.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I have loved my time with the Talksie, Talksie, Talksie Method. It’s served my righteousness, my victimhood and I got to bequeath my responsibility.
Let’s see how it might look…
Image there is this thing that has happened to you. And you talk about it to your girlfriends. And you talk to them about it some more. A month passes and you’re still talking to them about the same thing you’ve been bitchin’ about for what is now, months.
Nothing changed, nothing solved. Nothing got better.
Can you recall a time when you just whinged and bitched, and gasp, nothing changed? Check please, I HAVE.
Now, let’s take that example and shake it alittle. Add a little zest to this mojito.
You talk about it to your girlfriends. You gather perspectives cause your girlfriends are great at having your back but also great with supporting you in self responsibility, straightening your crown and reminding you of your brilliance. Now you are ready to FEEL IT. You drop into the rawness, after digging deep.
You FEEL IT. What ever it is. How ever it looks.
Then, you bring it to your mat. You move your body as a living expression of your emotions. Your movements tell a story no words could. Your sounds escape your lips because they no longer hold back. Story time is over as truth moves through. Moves you.
After, you find yourself resting gently on your back. Knowing you got you. Knowing that you took yourself to a place where you could fully accept, own and move the stuckness, the shittiness and the stress.
You breath out, as what you just received was clarity, insight and your next move.
If you want to go from Talksie, Talksie Talksie Method to actually getting over what ever is causing you stuckness with the revolutionary Talksie, Feelzie & Movesy Method. I’m your girlfriend!
💥❤Get in my DM's and I'll send you a remarkable Step-by-Step guide on how to utilize this method for empowering yourself!

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